Match On Action - Using a series of edits where different people/objects are doing the same thing. For example a close up of person A's feet running cuts to a close up of person B's feet running.
180 Degree Rule - Ensure I do not disorientate the audience by breaking this rule - the audience should maintain a posistion between edits in terms of orientation.
30 Degree Rule - When you break the 30 degree rule it is called a jump cut - a sharp awkward edit that looks clumsy - The camera should move 30 degrees between edits to avoid this
Jump Cut - A sudden jump in the edits. For example a mid shot of a person sitting in a seat jumps to an close up of the same person standing up
Defocusing - A blur in the video. An interesting tehnique used to disorientate and draw the audiences attention to the technique being used
Intertextuality - Making reference to other media texts/techniques. For example in the music video Lady GaGa - Telephone, there is intertextuality with the movie Kill Bill
Illustration - Not always literal
Amplification - New layers of meaning added to the song
Disjuncture - Contradiction between lyrics and music