Hey! My name is Jamie Brookes and I am a Media Studies student at West Hatch High School. I am very keen of Media and hope to continue discovering the every changing world surrounding it in university and later life. For my A2 course myself and two others, Faye Martin and Elliot Lee must create a music video and digi-pack for a band of our choice. On my blog I will be showing all the research and ideas I have come up with as well as the finished projects themselves and an evaluation summarising everything I have completed during the course. We also have a group blog, were group decisions, discussions and final ideas are kept.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Important Termonology

Graphic Match - Edits between two images, with a match between both. Such as colour or shape

Match On Action - Using a series of edits where different people/objects are doing the same thing. For example a close up of person A's feet running cuts to a close up of person B's feet running.

180 Degree Rule - Ensure I do not disorientate the audience by breaking this rule - the audience should maintain a posistion between edits in terms of orientation.

30 Degree Rule - When you break the 30 degree rule it is called a jump cut - a sharp awkward edit that looks clumsy - The camera should move 30 degrees between edits to avoid this

Jump Cut - A sudden jump in the edits. For example a mid shot of a person sitting in a seat jumps to an close up of the same person standing up

Defocusing - A blur in the video. An interesting tehnique used to disorientate and draw the audiences attention to the technique being used

Intertextuality - Making reference to other media texts/techniques. For example in the music video Lady GaGa - Telephone, there is intertextuality with the movie Kill Bill

Illustration - Not always literal

Amplification - New layers of meaning added to the song

Disjuncture - Contradiction between lyrics and music