Hey! My name is Jamie Brookes and I am a Media Studies student at West Hatch High School. I am very keen of Media and hope to continue discovering the every changing world surrounding it in university and later life. For my A2 course myself and two others, Faye Martin and Elliot Lee must create a music video and digi-pack for a band of our choice. On my blog I will be showing all the research and ideas I have come up with as well as the finished projects themselves and an evaluation summarising everything I have completed during the course. We also have a group blog, were group decisions, discussions and final ideas are kept.

Thursday 10 February 2011


Today I do not have a media lesson, however I decided to go to media during my free period and start converting some of the narrative clips we had from an MP4 file to a MOV. This needed to be done so the clips will not need to be rendered as often when we edit the footage as a group in Final Cut Express. Tomorrow Faye, Elliot and I will be converting the rest of the narrative clips and also be further planning for the next shooting, the performance, which will be filmed sometime next week.