Hey! My name is Jamie Brookes and I am a Media Studies student at West Hatch High School. I am very keen of Media and hope to continue discovering the every changing world surrounding it in university and later life. For my A2 course myself and two others, Faye Martin and Elliot Lee must create a music video and digi-pack for a band of our choice. On my blog I will be showing all the research and ideas I have come up with as well as the finished projects themselves and an evaluation summarising everything I have completed during the course. We also have a group blog, were group decisions, discussions and final ideas are kept.

Monday 8 November 2010

Album Artwork Analysis - Nirvana - Nevermind

At the time this album cover was unique as it showed a very bold message in the simplicity of the one image. Many codes and conventions are found in this album cover, here are some.

Codes used in this album cover are:
- The baby is code for new life and a sense of freedom and innocence. The baby also represents simplicity and purity. The purity is also achieved as the baby is untouched, naked, it is a new born. It plays on the thought that the baby is free but not free from American consumerism.
- The money represents wealth, materialism, gambling and chances we take in life. The money is a dollar bill which makes the audience aware it is about American consumerism. The dollar is attached to a fishing hook which represents use, the consumer, chasing money and 'consuming it', hence it being attached to a hook like fishing bait.
- The open ocean represents freedom and the very blue water represents happiness and clarity. This could represent the happiness people feel when they have money and unknowingly are consumed by the music industry.

The 'Nevermind' album title looks as though it too is underwater. The letters are very uneven and not the same in size. The title looks as though it is swimming in the ocean.
The 'Nirvana' band title is very simple and stretched out. The font looks very sophisticated and elegant, for example the 'R' is slightly looping giving it pride and elegance. This is giving the impression that they are not impressed with the American money and society and like to stand tall and look down on it. We can gather from the title that Nirvana have a very clear political ideology on America and believe that American consumerism has gone too far.
The black font used in both titles is code for simplicity and also death and horror. The black colour also could represent their hatred against the American consumerism and how much they want it to be changed. 

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